<?php /* Copyright 2015-2024 John Havlik (email : john.havlik@mtekk.us) This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ require_once(dirname(__FILE__) . '/includes/block_direct_access.php'); //Include admin base class if(!class_exists('bcn_admin')) { require_once(dirname(__FILE__) . '/class.bcn_admin.php'); } use mtekk\adminKit\{adminKit, form, message, setting}; /** * The administrative interface class * */ class bcn_network_admin extends bcn_admin { const version = '7.3.0'; protected $full_name = 'Breadcrumb NavXT Network Settings'; protected $access_level = 'manage_network_options'; /** * Administrative interface class default constructor * @param bcn_breadcrumb_trail $breadcrumb_trail a breadcrumb trail object * @param string $basename The basename of the plugin */ function __construct(array &$opts, $basename, array &$settings) { //We're going to make sure we load the parent's constructor parent::__construct($opts, $basename, $settings); //Change to the proper name $this->full_name = __('Breadcrumb NavXT Network Settings', 'breadcrumb-navxt'); //Remove the hook added by the parent as we don't want this classes settings page everywhere remove_action('admin_menu', array($this, 'add_page')); //Replace with the network_admin hook add_action('network_admin_menu', array($this, 'add_page')); } function is_network_admin() { return true; } /** * admin initialization callback function * * is bound to wordpress action 'admin_init' on instantiation * * @since 3.2.0 * @return void */ function init() { //We're going to make sure we run the parent's version of this function as well parent::init(); } function wp_loaded() { parent::wp_loaded(); } /** * Return the URL of the settings page for the plugin */ function admin_url() { return admin_url('network/settings.php?page=' . $this->identifier); } /** * Adds the adminpage the menu and the nice little settings link */ function add_page() { //Add the submenu page to "settings" menu $hookname = add_submenu_page('settings.php', $this->full_name, $this->short_name, $this->access_level, $this->identifier, array($this, 'admin_page')); // check capability of user to manage options (access control) if(current_user_can($this->access_level)) { //Register admin_head-$hookname callback add_action('admin_head-' . $hookname, array($this, 'admin_head')); //Register admin_print_styles-$hookname callback add_action('admin_print_styles-' . $hookname, array($this, 'admin_styles')); //Register admin_print_scripts-$hookname callback add_action('admin_print_scripts-' . $hookname, array($this, 'admin_scripts')); //Register Help Output add_action('load-' . $hookname, array($this, 'help')); } } /** * help action hook function * * @return string * */ function help() { $screen = get_current_screen(); //Exit early if the add_help_tab function doesn't exist if(!method_exists($screen, 'add_help_tab')) { return; } //Add contextual help on current screen if($screen->id == 'settings_page_' . $this->identifier . '-network') { $this->help_contents($screen); } } /** * Have to hook into get_option and replace with network wide alternate * * @param string $option The name of the option to retrieve * @return mixed The value of the option */ function get_option($option) { return get_site_option($option); } /** * Have to hook into update_option and replace with network wide alternate * * @param string $option The name of the option to update * @param mixed $newvalue The new value to set the option to * */ function update_option($option, $newvalue, $autoload = null) { return update_site_option($option, $newvalue); } /** * Have to hook into add_option and replace with network wide alternate * * @param string $option The name of the option to update * @param mixed $value The new value to set the option to * @param null $deprecated Deprecated parameter * @param string $autoload Whether or not to autoload the option, it's a string because WP is special * */ function add_option($option, $value = '', $deprecated = '', $autoload = 'yes') { return add_site_option($option, $value); } /** * Have to hook into delete_option and replace with network wide alternate * * @param string $option The name of the option to delete */ function delete_option($option) { return delete_site_option($option); } /** * A message function that checks for the BCN_SETTINGS_* define statement */ function multisite_settings_warn() { if(is_multisite()) { if(defined('BCN_SETTINGS_USE_LOCAL') && BCN_SETTINGS_USE_LOCAL) { $this->messages[] = new message(esc_html__('Warning: Individual site settings will override any settings set in this page.', 'breadcrumb-navxt'), 'warning', true, $this->unique_prefix . '_msg_ns_isiteoveride'); } else if(defined('BCN_SETTINGS_USE_NETWORK') && BCN_SETTINGS_USE_NETWORK) { } else if(defined('BCN_SETTINGS_FAVOR_LOCAL') && BCN_SETTINGS_FAVOR_LOCAL) { $this->messages[] = new message(esc_html__('Warning: Individual site settings may override any settings set in this page.', 'breadcrumb-navxt'), 'warning', true, $this->unique_prefix . '_msg_ns_isitemayoveride'); } else if(defined('BCN_SETTINGS_FAVOR_NETWORK') && BCN_SETTINGS_FAVOR_NETWORK) { $this->messages[] = new message(esc_html__('Warning: Individual site settings may override any settings set in this page.', 'breadcrumb-navxt'), 'warning', true, $this->unique_prefix . '_msg_ns_nsmayoveride'); } //Fall through if no settings mode was set else { $this->messages[] = new message(esc_html__('Warning: No BCN_SETTINGS_* define statement found, defaulting to BCN_SETTINGS_USE_LOCAL.', 'breadcrumb-navxt'), 'warning', true, $this->unique_prefix . '_msg_ns_nosetting'); $this->messages[] = new message(esc_html__('Warning: Individual site settings will override any settings set in this page.', 'breadcrumb-navxt'), 'warning', true, $this->unique_prefix . '_msg_ns_isiteoveride'); } } } /** * A message function that checks for deprecated settings that are set and warns the user */ function deprecated_settings_warn() { parent::deprecated_settings_warn(); } /** * Function checks the current site to see if the blog options should be disabled * * @return boool Whether or not the blog options should be disabled */ function maybe_disable_blog_options() { return false; } /** * Function checks the current site to see if the mainsite options should be disabled * * @return bool Whether or not the mainsite options should be disabled */ function maybe_disable_mainsite_options() { return false; } }