<?php /** * Script Modules API: WP_Script_Modules class. * * Native support for ES Modules and Import Maps. * * @package WordPress * @subpackage Script Modules */ /** * Core class used to register script modules. * * @since 6.5.0 */ class WP_Script_Modules { /** * Holds the registered script modules, keyed by script module identifier. * * @since 6.5.0 * @var array[] */ private $registered = array(); /** * Holds the script module identifiers that were enqueued before registered. * * @since 6.5.0 * @var array<string, true> */ private $enqueued_before_registered = array(); /** * Registers the script module if no script module with that script module * identifier has already been registered. * * @since 6.5.0 * * @param string $id The identifier of the script module. Should be unique. It will be used in the * final import map. * @param string $src Optional. Full URL of the script module, or path of the script module relative * to the WordPress root directory. If it is provided and the script module has * not been registered yet, it will be registered. * @param array $deps { * Optional. List of dependencies. * * @type string|array ...$0 { * An array of script module identifiers of the dependencies of this script * module. The dependencies can be strings or arrays. If they are arrays, * they need an `id` key with the script module identifier, and can contain * an `import` key with either `static` or `dynamic`. By default, * dependencies that don't contain an `import` key are considered static. * * @type string $id The script module identifier. * @type string $import Optional. Import type. May be either `static` or * `dynamic`. Defaults to `static`. * } * } * @param string|false|null $version Optional. String specifying the script module version number. Defaults to false. * It is added to the URL as a query string for cache busting purposes. If $version * is set to false, the version number is the currently installed WordPress version. * If $version is set to null, no version is added. */ public function register( string $id, string $src, array $deps = array(), $version = false ) { if ( ! isset( $this->registered[ $id ] ) ) { $dependencies = array(); foreach ( $deps as $dependency ) { if ( is_array( $dependency ) ) { if ( ! isset( $dependency['id'] ) ) { _doing_it_wrong( __METHOD__, __( 'Missing required id key in entry among dependencies array.' ), '6.5.0' ); continue; } $dependencies[] = array( 'id' => $dependency['id'], 'import' => isset( $dependency['import'] ) && 'dynamic' === $dependency['import'] ? 'dynamic' : 'static', ); } elseif ( is_string( $dependency ) ) { $dependencies[] = array( 'id' => $dependency, 'import' => 'static', ); } else { _doing_it_wrong( __METHOD__, __( 'Entries in dependencies array must be either strings or arrays with an id key.' ), '6.5.0' ); } } $this->registered[ $id ] = array( 'src' => $src, 'version' => $version, 'enqueue' => isset( $this->enqueued_before_registered[ $id ] ), 'dependencies' => $dependencies, ); } } /** * Marks the script module to be enqueued in the page. * * If a src is provided and the script module has not been registered yet, it * will be registered. * * @since 6.5.0 * * @param string $id The identifier of the script module. Should be unique. It will be used in the * final import map. * @param string $src Optional. Full URL of the script module, or path of the script module relative * to the WordPress root directory. If it is provided and the script module has * not been registered yet, it will be registered. * @param array $deps { * Optional. List of dependencies. * * @type string|array ...$0 { * An array of script module identifiers of the dependencies of this script * module. The dependencies can be strings or arrays. If they are arrays, * they need an `id` key with the script module identifier, and can contain * an `import` key with either `static` or `dynamic`. By default, * dependencies that don't contain an `import` key are considered static. * * @type string $id The script module identifier. * @type string $import Optional. Import type. May be either `static` or * `dynamic`. Defaults to `static`. * } * } * @param string|false|null $version Optional. String specifying the script module version number. Defaults to false. * It is added to the URL as a query string for cache busting purposes. If $version * is set to false, the version number is the currently installed WordPress version. * If $version is set to null, no version is added. */ public function enqueue( string $id, string $src = '', array $deps = array(), $version = false ) { if ( isset( $this->registered[ $id ] ) ) { $this->registered[ $id ]['enqueue'] = true; } elseif ( $src ) { $this->register( $id, $src, $deps, $version ); $this->registered[ $id ]['enqueue'] = true; } else { $this->enqueued_before_registered[ $id ] = true; } } /** * Unmarks the script module so it will no longer be enqueued in the page. * * @since 6.5.0 * * @param string $id The identifier of the script module. */ public function dequeue( string $id ) { if ( isset( $this->registered[ $id ] ) ) { $this->registered[ $id ]['enqueue'] = false; } unset( $this->enqueued_before_registered[ $id ] ); } /** * Removes a registered script module. * * @since 6.5.0 * * @param string $id The identifier of the script module. */ public function deregister( string $id ) { unset( $this->registered[ $id ] ); unset( $this->enqueued_before_registered[ $id ] ); } /** * Adds the hooks to print the import map, enqueued script modules and script * module preloads. * * In classic themes, the script modules used by the blocks are not yet known * when the `wp_head` actions is fired, so it needs to print everything in the * footer. * * @since 6.5.0 */ public function add_hooks() { $position = wp_is_block_theme() ? 'wp_head' : 'wp_footer'; add_action( $position, array( $this, 'print_import_map' ) ); add_action( $position, array( $this, 'print_enqueued_script_modules' ) ); add_action( $position, array( $this, 'print_script_module_preloads' ) ); add_action( 'admin_print_footer_scripts', array( $this, 'print_import_map' ) ); add_action( 'admin_print_footer_scripts', array( $this, 'print_enqueued_script_modules' ) ); add_action( 'admin_print_footer_scripts', array( $this, 'print_script_module_preloads' ) ); } /** * Prints the enqueued script modules using script tags with type="module" * attributes. * * @since 6.5.0 */ public function print_enqueued_script_modules() { foreach ( $this->get_marked_for_enqueue() as $id => $script_module ) { wp_print_script_tag( array( 'type' => 'module', 'src' => $this->get_src( $id ), 'id' => $id . '-js-module', ) ); } } /** * Prints the the static dependencies of the enqueued script modules using * link tags with rel="modulepreload" attributes. * * If a script module is marked for enqueue, it will not be preloaded. * * @since 6.5.0 */ public function print_script_module_preloads() { foreach ( $this->get_dependencies( array_keys( $this->get_marked_for_enqueue() ), array( 'static' ) ) as $id => $script_module ) { // Don't preload if it's marked for enqueue. if ( true !== $script_module['enqueue'] ) { echo sprintf( '<link rel="modulepreload" href="%s" id="%s">', esc_url( $this->get_src( $id ) ), esc_attr( $id . '-js-modulepreload' ) ); } } } /** * Prints the import map using a script tag with a type="importmap" attribute. * * @since 6.5.0 * * @global WP_Scripts $wp_scripts The WP_Scripts object for printing the polyfill. */ public function print_import_map() { $import_map = $this->get_import_map(); if ( ! empty( $import_map['imports'] ) ) { global $wp_scripts; if ( isset( $wp_scripts ) ) { wp_print_inline_script_tag( wp_get_script_polyfill( $wp_scripts, array( 'HTMLScriptElement.supports && HTMLScriptElement.supports("importmap")' => 'wp-polyfill-importmap', ) ), array( 'id' => 'wp-load-polyfill-importmap', ) ); } wp_print_inline_script_tag( wp_json_encode( $import_map, JSON_HEX_TAG | JSON_HEX_AMP ), array( 'type' => 'importmap', 'id' => 'wp-importmap', ) ); } } /** * Returns the import map array. * * @since 6.5.0 * * @return array Array with an `imports` key mapping to an array of script module identifiers and their respective * URLs, including the version query. */ private function get_import_map(): array { $imports = array(); foreach ( $this->get_dependencies( array_keys( $this->get_marked_for_enqueue() ) ) as $id => $script_module ) { $imports[ $id ] = $this->get_src( $id ); } return array( 'imports' => $imports ); } /** * Retrieves the list of script modules marked for enqueue. * * @since 6.5.0 * * @return array[] Script modules marked for enqueue, keyed by script module identifier. */ private function get_marked_for_enqueue(): array { $enqueued = array(); foreach ( $this->registered as $id => $script_module ) { if ( true === $script_module['enqueue'] ) { $enqueued[ $id ] = $script_module; } } return $enqueued; } /** * Retrieves all the dependencies for the given script module identifiers, * filtered by import types. * * It will consolidate an array containing a set of unique dependencies based * on the requested import types: 'static', 'dynamic', or both. This method is * recursive and also retrieves dependencies of the dependencies. * * @since 6.5.0 * * @param string[] $ids The identifiers of the script modules for which to gather dependencies. * @param string[] $import_types Optional. Import types of dependencies to retrieve: 'static', 'dynamic', or both. * Default is both. * @return array[] List of dependencies, keyed by script module identifier. */ private function get_dependencies( array $ids, array $import_types = array( 'static', 'dynamic' ) ) { return array_reduce( $ids, function ( $dependency_script_modules, $id ) use ( $import_types ) { $dependencies = array(); foreach ( $this->registered[ $id ]['dependencies'] as $dependency ) { if ( in_array( $dependency['import'], $import_types, true ) && isset( $this->registered[ $dependency['id'] ] ) && ! isset( $dependency_script_modules[ $dependency['id'] ] ) ) { $dependencies[ $dependency['id'] ] = $this->registered[ $dependency['id'] ]; } } return array_merge( $dependency_script_modules, $dependencies, $this->get_dependencies( array_keys( $dependencies ), $import_types ) ); }, array() ); } /** * Gets the versioned URL for a script module src. * * If $version is set to false, the version number is the currently installed * WordPress version. If $version is set to null, no version is added. * Otherwise, the string passed in $version is used. * * @since 6.5.0 * * @param string $id The script module identifier. * @return string The script module src with a version if relevant. */ private function get_src( string $id ): string { if ( ! isset( $this->registered[ $id ] ) ) { return ''; } $script_module = $this->registered[ $id ]; $src = $script_module['src']; if ( false === $script_module['version'] ) { $src = add_query_arg( 'ver', get_bloginfo( 'version' ), $src ); } elseif ( null !== $script_module['version'] ) { $src = add_query_arg( 'ver', $script_module['version'], $src ); } /** * Filters the script module source. * * @since 6.5.0 * * @param string $src Module source URL. * @param string $id Module identifier. */ $src = apply_filters( 'script_module_loader_src', $src, $id ); return $src; } }